Monday, June 9, 2014

Toronto Trenchless Sewer Repair: Advantages and Disadvantages

Many Toronto homeowners cringe at the thought of having to replace their water lines or pipes, and for good reason; this process is both arduous and unsightly. Traditional sewer repair involves the digging of trenches, which can mean a ruined driveway or lawn, in addition to an ugly trench in your front yard.
Thankfully, today there is an alternative to the messy sewer repair process, which is to go trenchless. This type of line and pipe repair replaces traditional digging and underground work with pipe rehabilitation. Pipes can be rehabilitated by injecting an epoxy liner into damaged lines, which seals all cracks and holes once it cures. Rehabilitation can also occur via pipe bursting, where new pipe is pulled into a small hole in the ground as a tool breaks up or bursts the old pipe ahead of it.

Trenchless Sewer Repair: Advantages

Rehabilitating pipes means that new drain lines don't need to be created. This means that your water doesn't have to be re-routed or turned off.
Another benefit is that when a plumber is called to conduct trenchless sewer repair, it can make it much easier to correct future issues with your lines, because any video inspections can be more easily done with updated pipes and lines. Also, access to make any future repairs will only be required from the small access points located at the ends of the pipeline, with no further digging being necessary.
A plumbing system that has gone through the rehabilitation process will last for much longer than its traditional counterpart. As well, water flow is greatly improved with rehabilitated lines.

Trenchless Sewer Repair: Disadvantages

As with anything, there is a downside to choosing the pipe rehabilitation alternative. One is the cost; the equipment used in trenchless sewer repair is more expensive than that used for traditional pipe and line work.
Some additional digging may be required with the rehabilitation option if no damage to nearby gas, electrical or other lines has to be confirmed by workers prior to beginning the process. However, this can usually occur with hand-digging.
If your yard contains shrubs, trees or other landscaping elements, these may need to be removed prior to beginning the rehabilitation process.
Some types of pipe and line rehabilitation may not be possible. Some states have prohibited pipe bursting. In other cases, pipes that are jointed are not able to be rehabilitated via the pipe bursting process.
In addition, your pipes may be too old to be rehabilitated, which could end up in double costs in calling out a Toronto plumber to do trenchless replacement, and then requiring more equipment for full pipe or line replacement.
The best advice is to seek out a Toronto professional in any case, because both the traditional and trenchless line replacement or rehabilitation options require specific knowledge. Neglecting to do so can result in dual costs, as the second plumbing company will have to clean up the mess made by the first company before replacement or rehabilitation can begin.
More Info: 
Reliable and Trustworthy Plumbing services.
Call a fully-licensed, bonded and insured Toronto plumber at 416 939 1530

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